Savatteri Produzioni creates original theatrical works inspired by the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Sicily and the Mediterranean, developing site-specific theatrical formats that intertwine various performing arts. The company has brought together an exclusive creative team of professional artists, skilled technicians, performer-actors, musicians, and acrobats, primarily under 35, from different parts of Italy, with a strong presence from Sicily itself. The company also performs abroad, sharing the stories of Sicily and its cultures with the world.

Savatteri Produzioni’s theater ranges from classical and mythological themes to contemporary language, from musicals to experimental performances.

  • “Il Risveglio degli Dei”, a theatrical work for the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento;
  • “Camicette Bianche – il musical” about the emigration of Sicilians to the USA;
  • “Caravaggio – La Fuga”;
  • “Picciotti Show”;
  • “Bianca Lancia – La Bella della Torre”;
  • “Il Bosco Incantato” e “Nella Magia delle Fiabe” – musicals for children and families.